
I Help

I am an award-winning MarComm strategist experienced in leading strategic planning and implementation of large-scale high-profile projects, managing public relations and fostering relationships with key stakeholders in North America, Asia Pacific and the Horn of Africa.


Ontario, Canada

#RollUpYourSleevesHalton – combating hesitancy and building trust on COVID – 19 vaccines
Regional Municipality of Halton, ON, Canada
In summer 2021, COVID – 19 vaccine roll out started to gain momentum in the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area. The goal was to get over 85% of the residents living in Oakville, Burlington, Milton and Halton Hills fully vaccinated by the end of summer – an overarching target given that earlier national studies indicate that hesitant/anti-vaxx groups in Canada make up 15 – 20% of the total population.
As the strategy specialist I have developed #RollUpYourSleeveHalton campaign that focused on a community-led influencer marketing campaign targetted outreach for multicultural groups, gaming and sports communities that focused on quelling hesitancy, building trust in public health and enhancing vaccination uptake, leveraging above the line and below the line paid media channels.
As a result of the campaign, Halton Region had one of the highest vaccination rates in Ontario by the end of summer.

Increasing Brand Awareness Through Revitalizing SEO Tactics
Toronto, ON, Canada
In 2020, along with a team of 3 from the Schulich School of Business, I have recommended and implemented SEO tactics for a Toronto based recruiting firm for improving brand awareness. The project took a deep dive into analyzing the category entry points, mental network of employers and employees and identified potential growth opportunities.
The implementation of the SEO tactics was carried out by devising a detailed Work Breakdown Structure for enhanced efficiency and cost minimization.
The project has helped the organization narrow down its SEO outreach and taking a targetted approach while positioning itself as a Toronto based recruiting firm specialized with the tech industry.

Positioning Strategic Key Messages
Dhaka, Bangladesh
In 2016, IOM joined the United Nations as a specialized agency to lead the global migration discourse. As a result, the organization’s field engagement strategies had to be redefined.
As the communications lead of the UN migration agency’s one of the largest operational hubs, I was responsible for designing audience-driven corporate communication and visibility items that helped the organization position itself as the leading migration agency. This included designing project identity brochures, leaflets, and project flash reports.